Yesterday was a field trip day for Carter's preschool. I signed up to chaperone (tag along) and it was a fun day.. a little chaotic and crazy but fun. Gavin and I drove up in our own car (for sanity reasons, don't know if I could handle riding on a bus with all those preschoolers) and met them at the zoo.
Alot of the animals were out, more than I can ever remember being out before. I think it

was a nice enough day, but not too hot. Carter really liked riding the big school bus all the way up there and when I ask him he says his favorite animals he saw were the elephants. Gavin did great too, in and out of the stroller all day. I was getting tired of carrying him around (he got to a point where he refused the stroller) and then I can't just let him walk on his own because he takes off. So, needless to say my arms got quite the workout. Carter rode home with us in our car, but of course we hit really bad traffic going home, being a Friday afternoon an all. What is normally a 1.5 hr drive was like 2.25 but we made it home safe.

Kevin is off at the Men's retreat for church this weekend so I wasn't sure if I was going to try and take Carter to soccer or not (with Gavin on my own). But I did, it was just too nice outside to stay home. On the way home we hit a few garage sales but didn't find anything good. I love garage sales, Kevin thinks I am nuts, I mean I really really like them and HAVE to stop if I see one. I need one of those bumper stickers that says "this car stops at all garage sales". Ha!
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