So our new kitchen is almost finished! These photos show the new cabinets, countertops, & sink. Kevin still is finishing up with the moldings, etc - but no more cooking out in the garage on the camping stove (boy that was fun). No seriously, everything works now, stove, sink, even brand new dishwasher. Love it..!!!
Other things to note:
Carter can now officially swing on his own (on the two man seat thing). He stands up and uses legs to get it going really good. Yay!
Gavin says 2 word sentences now.. mostly "my crackers" or "my juice". He is soo funny, we love him to pieces.
Love the kitchen, I bet you are glad to be back in the kitchen...especially with all this rain. I looks so good!! did Kevin do the whole thing?
Thanks Christy! Yes, soo glad it is done (almost). Yeah, Kevin did it all except we had a guy come bevel the edges of the countertops (granite tile). He didn't have any of the equipment for that one & it is tricky...
Love your blog, isn't it fun.. I just started mine not too long ago and I love it. You look EXACTLY like Reagan in your picture..
hooray your kitchen is done?! i did not know you are a blogger to. Good you can help me figure it out. :)
see you soon.
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