I am soo close to being done with my big quilt project, I thought it deserved a post.. here it is layed out on our bed (King size). Soo, as you can see it is really big. I talked to a lady yesterday about getting it "quilted". I am feeling like it is nice enough to actually pay someone to do that for me since I don't have a machine that will do that... Anyhow, I am excited to get it quilted so I can do the binding and get it done. It took a long time to cut, I think there are 500+ pieces and then quite a while to sew too, so it will feel like quite an accomplishment! Next I am going to make a quilt for Carter because he has been asking for one and then on to Gavin. I have this book that has some really great patterns for quilts and I have found one in there that I am going to do for Carter..
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Craft projects..
I made this cute wreath for Valentine's day. I just bought a round metal wreath base and bent it into a heart shape (couldn't find a heart one anywhere but that would obviously be easier) and then covered it with batting and then a layer of cotton fabric. I then covered it with a bunch of felt flowers that I made. All you do is take a standard piece of felt (they come in 81/2 X 11 size) fold it in half and cut it and then cut both of those pieces in half. So you wind up with 4 pieces the same size. I rounded the edges off and then fold the piece in half long ways and then sort of roll it up to look like a rose and then hot glued them into place. Fun project (i love using hot glue for some reason) and it looks cute on the front porch.
This super easy bag was made yesterday, seriously it took like 30 minutes to make. Here is the link to the directions I followed.. really fun and simple.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Back to Blogging..
I am back in the blogging world... recovered from the Holidays I think. We had a busy one, with trips to Roseburg and up to Wilsonville also. Lots of fun was had with the boys, I absolutely love their ages right now and want them to stay just as they are (ok maybe Gavin can turn 3, that would be ideal) but Carter, he is soo sweet at 4! When we were in Roseburg over the holiday we went to Diamond Lake and went on the big innertubing hill. Gavin was not into it (you go super fast and snow blows in your face). Carter wasn't into it at first either, but after Grandpa Scott gave him some goggles to wear (think construction worker) he LOVED it. Her is a picture of the guys at the bottom of the hill.
Projects, projects... today is a big day here on Lawrence street, we are finally getting walls and a roof to our shop/sewing room we are building out back. Yes you heard it right, I get a 10X14 sewing room, and I can't wait. Kevin inherited tons of woodworking tools from his Grandpa Bob so we have been planning on building this shop for a while and saying goodbye to our storage unit. Our garage is just not big enough, barely big enough to park in. Anyhow, it is funny to listen to Kevin talking to the construction workers and calling it a shop slash sewing room, they crack up every time. Doesn't sound too manly I guess. :) The picture above is of what it looks like right now a big concrete slab, will keep you posted as we get walls and a roof.
I have been keeping busy with different projects but lately I have been spending most of my crafty time working on this quilt. Here is a picture of some of the panels. I have 5 done out of 9 and then I need to do the sashing and back/binding and all of that. It is going to be bright and colorful, those were my only color requirements, something fun and cheery.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas craftyness, etc.
The boys and I have done quite a few crafts lately, we seem to have been hanging around the house alot and I won't let them watch tv all the time (they would probably like too) and they get tired of playing, or start fighting so I think up a craft to do. Anyhow here are a couple that we have done lately...
We made these neat cinamon ornaments to hang on your tree or anywhere you want to smell like cinnamon like your closet, pantry, etc. They were fun to do and only consist of cinnamon and applesause that you mix up, roll out, cut with cookie cutters and then let them dry for about two weeks until they get rock hard (seriously). 
Then we painted some new ornaments for our tree. The boys both painted two and I painted one for Rusty our new dog. We had fun and Carter said "Santa is going to see these and go ooohhhh their house looks so nice". I thought that was pretty cute. 
A friend's baby shower was a few weeks ago and I also made these two baby quilts for her because she is having twin girls. I had the most fun making them and putting together the fabric. I think I have mentioned before my love for the fabric store. 
We are in Christmas decoration mode around here now and got our tree today and hope to get it up soon.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
A "hideout"
The boys and I built a really neat fort in their room yesterday. The top picture is from the outside. We put it behind the changing table next to the wall and then added another little card table for entry and to make it bigger.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Lazy Days...
It has been raining like crazy here and I have had a bad cold so needless to say we didn't get out much this past week. One of Carter's favorite things to say is "Mom, I just want to be lazy today". Which means he wants to stay home and watch cartoons, play with Rusty, bake cookies, cuddle up and read books, do his paint with water books, put together puzzles, etc. We had mostly lazy days this week and it was great. Really nice to stay home and not go, go, go. I think my cold is finally mostly over and I am really glad. It is hard to take care of kids and do everything else with no energy. Thank you coffee.. Here is a new picture of Carter and his "best dog friend" Rusty. Today I am taking the boys to see Madagascar 2 so it is a big day - we are venturing out of the house for the first time this week. Ha! Back to real life I guess and that also means I have to go grocery shopping.. no fun.
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