Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas craftyness, etc.

The boys and I have done quite a few crafts lately, we seem to have been hanging around the house alot and I won't let them watch tv all the time (they would probably like too) and they get tired of playing, or start fighting so I think up a craft to do. Anyhow here are a couple that we have done lately...

We made these neat cinamon ornaments to hang on your tree or anywhere you want to smell like cinnamon like your closet, pantry, etc. They were fun to do and only consist of cinnamon and applesause that you mix up, roll out, cut with cookie cutters and then let them dry for about two weeks until they get rock hard (seriously).

Then we painted some new ornaments for our tree. The boys both painted two and I painted one for Rusty our new dog. We had fun and Carter said "Santa is going to see these and go ooohhhh their house looks so nice". I thought that was pretty cute.

A friend's baby shower was a few weeks ago and I also made these two baby quilts for her because she is having twin girls. I had the most fun making them and putting together the fabric. I think I have mentioned before my love for the fabric store.

We are in Christmas decoration mode around here now and got our tree today and hope to get it up soon.