Thursday, September 18, 2008


We got back Tuesday evening from a really fun trip to Sunriver. Kevin had an Oregon Restaurant Association meeting over there so Kevin, his dad Dave, my Mom, the boys and I all went over on Sunday morning. We stayed in a really cool house with a fun bunk bed/toy room for the boys and nice rooms for all of us adults. I love Sunriver and could see myself retiring there. It is soo relaxing to me. Anyhow, I got to go to all of the fun stuff, the fancy dinners and the casino night/party night as my mom stayed at the house with the boys. We had a great time. It is fun to actually get out and about as an individual and talk to adults. Not that I don't love my kids and cherish the time I get to spend with them. It is just really nice to get a break once in a while too, helps me to be a better mom...

The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure is on Sunday and I am running.. can't wait. I am now on this kick to beat my time and see if I can do better each time I run a 5k. I am about ready to move on up to a 7k - and eventually up to a half marathon. That would be an ultimate goal for me, we shall see. :)

I love this super cute idea of reading a book to your kiddos and having a special fun snack that coordinates with it. Check this out. I am totally going to have to do this with my boys...

1 comment:

* said...

cute idea. I am goign to do that too. I love it. Take a pic of yours and post it and ill do the same...