We got back from our first camping trip of the year yesterday. It was a great trip.. We went to a new (to us) spot called Little Cultus Lake campground. It is about 20 miles from Sunriver in the Deschutes Ntl. Forest. It was just beautiful and had great spots for the kids to swim.

The first night we got there and got all set up only to find that there were TONS of mosquitos. The camp host mentioned to us that the mosquitos were way better in a different part of the campground so we moved everything to a new spot the next morning and it was alot better.
We had a great time swimming, floating in our raft, roasting marshmallows, all the fun camping stuff. There were alot of chipmunks around which the boys loved and there was one that hung around our spot that had one eye poked out. Carter called him "one eyed mater" which has something to do with the movie Cars of course, not sure how the one eye thing figures in. But anyhow he was really cute, here he is...

We camped Sund. - Wed. and had quite a bit of thunder and lightning on Wed afternoon/evening. We kept seeing forest service trucks going up the road past our campground (really, really primitive road, like old logging road, our truck could barely make it up there). Anyhow, the camp host came over later in the evening and told us there were two small fires about 5 miles up the road and that the Forest Service was going to send smoke jumpers up in the morning.. I was like what, in the morning? I didn't know you could just wait when there was a fire... we slept ok, didn't have to high tail it out in the middle of the night or anything. But when we woke up on Thursday the lighting was really really close and it started to rain and even hail at one point so we packed it up and headed for a hotel in Bend. After a shower of course (did I mention, no showers, yikes) we headed to the outlet stores and dinner at the Deschutes Brewery. I think that is Kevin's favorite place on earth. We had a fun time there the next day too, walking around downtown Bend, swimming in the pool, etc. Then we headed for home Friday evening. Good to be back, now it is time to tackle the mountain of laundry..